
About Me - Kayla The Crypto Fanatic!

Hello and welcome to Kayla's Crypto :-)

This site is run by me and only me. Before I get into the information about me, I would like to know something about YOU! I'm interested to know how you found out about my site? Was it through Google, social media, a forum or something else? Go to the contact page and let me know!

Now, about me. I've been into crypto for the past 3 years (since 2015), it was during the 2014-2015 bear market. I did hear about Bitcoin in 2013 when it reached around $1000 but I didn't invest (thankfully). I got into it after one of my colleagues was telling me about it - obviously I'm very thankful that I got in when I did! I feel bad for the people who have bought at the top of the bull market at the end of 2017/start of 2018.

I work with technology (IT), so you can say I'm a bit of a geek and that's one of the reasons I was attracted to cryptocurrency :B Yes, I am one of those rare people who are "in it for the tech" lol, and not simply in it to make a profit (although that is nice of course).

I don't claim to be an expert on Bitcoin and crypto, although I do think that I know more than the average person.

If there is anything specific about me, please do get in touch via the contact page.
